Change Management: Facilitate the Adoption of New Processes with ProjectContexts

Understanding Contexts: The Foundation of Change Management

From its inception, ProjectContexts recognized the pivotal role of change management in successful project execution. Drawing inspiration from the familiar concept of To-Do lists, the founders transformed issues and action items into the foundation for necessary changes. By introducing “Context Lists” and categorizing them into various types such as Customer Complaints, Quality Issues, Safety, and more, ProjectContexts set a new standard for comprehensive change management. (See Figure 1)

Figure 1: Context Types and sub-types

1. Context Types: A Comprehensive Approach

The concept of Contexts ensures that all team members engaging in change understand the full background or context. From Customer Complaints to strategic requirements like “lessons learned” and “risks,” ProjectContexts allows companies to define an infinite number of Context Types.

2. Contexts, Issues, and Action Items: Driving Collaboration

Any team member can initiate a Context, be it a customer complaint, safety concern, or marketing input. The Context Owner can define associated issues, action items, due dates, and even link them to specific systems. This collaborative approach ensures a holistic understanding of the change process. (See Figure 2)

Figure 2: Progress Tracking for Issues and Action items

Issues are defined in detail and viewed in a list for each context, such as shown below. (Figure 3 & 3a)

Figure 3a: List of Action Items belonging to an Issue.

2.1 Tracking Time and Progress: Empowering Project Managers

Issues and action items in ProjectContexts enable the logging of assignees’ time and Estimated Time to Completion (ETC). While not scheduled, this data provides project managers with a comprehensive view of allocated time across systems, tasks, issues, and action items.

3. Kanban Board for Enhanced Visibility

For a broader perspective on change management, ProjectContexts offers a Kanban view, providing an overarching visualization of issues and associated action items. (See Figure 4)

Figure 4: Kanban board associated with Issues.

3. Integration with Systems, Tasks, and Schedules: Seamlessness Redefined Tasks in a schedule should only appear when details are clear. ProjectContexts allows the seamless transition of action items into the schedule’s Gantt chart, marking them as A-Tasks and maintaining all background information (See Figure 5)

Figure 5: Create a Task in  a Schedule from and Action Item in a Context

3.1 Conflict Resolution and Notifications: Ensuring Precision

As relationships with other tasks are introduced, ProjectContexts automatically correlates due dates with associated A-Tasks, notifying of conflicts if any.(See Figure 6)

Figure 6: Transfer of Action Item properties to a Task in a Gantt schedule.

After introducing relationships with other tasks, ProjectContexts automatically correlates the Due Date of the action item with the early finish of the associated A-Task and notifies of a conflict if there is any. (See Figure 7)

Figure 7: The Action Task inside a System inside the Schedule.

Ready to Transform Your Project Management Experience?

ProjectContexts goes beyond traditional project management software, making change management an integral part of your project’s DNA. Now, you have the opportunity to experience this revolutionary tool yourself. Sign up for a free trial of ProjectContexts today and elevate your project management game!

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Embrace change, empower your team, and propel your projects to new heights with ProjectContexts!

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