Pricing to suit your needs

Regular licenses

Add-On Licenses

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Regular licenses

User license Premium Standard Basic
Price per user per month
Annual subscription (up to 15% benefit) 28 USD 25 USD 10 USD
Monthly subscription 32 USD 29 USD 12 USD
Users Minimum 1 Unlimited Unlimited
Projects Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Storage 5 GB per user
Project Management
Full access to all projects
Manage project settings
Full access to own projects
Eligible for project ownership
Eligible to manage project reports and documents
Manage systems, tasks, Gantt chart
Manage contexts, issues, action items, meetings, Kanban board
Eligible for projects' activities ownerships & assignments
View resource allocations across all projects
View documents across all projects
View global projects schedule
View contexts across all projects
Time Tracking
Log time on project activities and non project activities
Eligible to check timesheet compliance
Eligible to export timesheets
Administrative Roles
Eligible to manage billing
Eligible to manage HR & Financials
Eligible to manage import/export & authentication settings

Add-on licenses

User license Crew leader Crew member
Price per user per month
Annual subscription (up to 15% benefit) 20 USD 5 USD
Monthly subscription 23 USD 6 USD
Input and submit crew timesheets for hours and work metrics
Eligible to have their hours and work metrics logged in the crew timesheets
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