Micromanagement: The Curse of the Project Manager

Micromanagement has long been perceived as the curse of project managers, impeding their productivity and diverting their focus from strategic planning to the nitty-gritty details. Despite the advent of contemporary project management platforms like Microsoft Project, Smartsheet, and Monday.com, micromanagement remains an enduring challenge for senior project managers. These platforms, designed to streamline project processes, often inadvertently foster micromanagement, gripping project managers in the labyrinth of complex algorithms and restrictive policies.

Challenges with Micromanagement in Contemporary Platforms:

1. Complicated Schedule Updates: Updating schedules, a fundamental aspect of project management, becomes a tedious and time-consuming task. Contemporary platforms, with their intricate algorithms, demand a deep understanding, restricting read/write access to team members. This often results in project managers shouldering the entire burden of schedule updates, exacerbating micromanagement tendencies.

2. Approval Bottlenecks for Timesheets: Approval processes for timesheets, crucial for payroll and project management, often encounter bottlenecks. While the accounting department holds authority over payroll matters, it lacks project-specific insights. This void leaves the project manager as the default approver, adding another layer to micromanagement.

3. Task Neglect towards Project End: As projects near completion, the motivation to update tasks diminishes, leading to incomplete and inaccurate project templates. This reluctance stems from the perception that late-stage task updates might not significantly impact the project’s overall outcome. Unfortunately, this practice can result in incorrect durations becoming ingrained in future project templates.

ProjectContexts: A Micromanagement Solution:

In response to these challenges, ProjectContexts emerges as a beacon of relief for project managers striving to break free from micromanagement shackles.

1. Ownership Concept: ProjectContexts introduces the innovative concept of “Ownership,” allowing project managers to delegate detailed management tasks to designated team members. This not only boosts employee satisfaction and empowerment but also leverages specialized knowledge within the team. The Ownership permissions utility, editable by the project manager, ensures seamless collaboration and distributed responsibility.

2. Streamlined Schedule Updates: Recognizing that not every team member may possess an intimate knowledge of the platform, ProjectContexts simplifies the process of updating schedules. With user-friendly interfaces and simplified permissions, designated Owners can effortlessly contribute to schedule updates without grappling with intricate platform algorithms.

3. Accessibility Beyond the Schedule: Breaking free from the conventional schedule-centric approach, ProjectContexts allows task updates from outside the schedule. Team members, even without direct access, can easily report on the status of their tasks, fostering a collaborative and transparent environment.

4. Auto-duration Facility: ProjectContexts incorporates an auto-duration facility, streamlining the process of batch auto-task duration updates. This feature enhances accuracy and reduces the manual effort required for repetitive tasks, freeing project managers from mundane micromanagement responsibilities.

5. Simplicity in Updates: The simplicity in updating functions such as “Start” and “Finish” with ProjectContexts empowers users with simple keystrokes. The ease of redoing tasks and recalculating durations ensures accuracy, especially when utilizing follow-on templates.

6. Comprehensive Reporting: Acknowledging the significant time spent on generating reports, ProjectContexts provides on-demand, up-to-date schedule overviews, Work Breakdown Structures (WBS), and contract status reports. These reports are easily accessible online, eliminating the need for unnecessary manual reporting efforts.

Conclusion and Call to Action:

Project managers, burdened with the weight of micromanagement, can now embrace ProjectContexts as a liberating solution. By fostering a culture of Ownership, simplifying updates, and providing comprehensive reporting features, ProjectContexts alleviates micromanagement challenges and propels projects toward success. To experience the transformative power of ProjectContexts, sign up for our free trial today and revolutionize your project management experience. Break free from micromanagement and embrace efficient, collaborative project management with ProjectContexts.

Time and Cost Baselines: Improve Performance Measurement for Efficient Forecasting

Effective control over time and costs is paramount. ProjectContexts, our advanced project management platform, empowers you to establish and manage both Time and Cost Baselines seamlessly.

Schedule / Time Baselines

A project baseline is a crucial tool that can be incorporated at any stage, with the flexibility of creating an unlimited number of baseline schedules. Once selected, the baseline is intricately integrated into the current schedule, providing a graphical representation. However, graphical displays have limitations. To overcome this, ProjectContexts offers a robust reporting utility. This utility (See Figure 1) facilitates a comprehensive table-based comparison between the current schedule and the baseline schedule, including actual hours, remaining hours, and the estimate for total hours at completion.

Figure 1: Baseline Selection

The simplicity of a single keystroke activates the Baseline utility, as shown in Figure 1. On the schedule, the selected baseline is graphically overlaid, as illustrated in Figure 2 below.

Figure 2: Baseline Overlayed on Current Schedule

To delve deeper, a baseline report provides insights into differences between baselines and disparities between a baseline and the current schedule, as seen in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Differences Between 2 Baselines

Creating, Viewing, and Selecting Baseline

Progress tracking reports for individual project elements, such as overall project, systems, and tasks, also display the baseline graphically. In Figure 4, the baseline is instrumental in interpreting progress reports. For instance, “scope 2” could explain a slight uptick in the estimated remaining hours around September 2022.

Figure 4: Baselines Used for Interpretation of Progress Reports

Cost Baselines

Parallel to time baselines, cost baselines play a vital role, focusing on total costs, including labor costs based on standard skill classifications. Figure 5 exemplifies the creation of a cost baseline, mirroring the process for a time baseline.

Figure 5: Cost Baseline Created

To gain insights into cost-related metrics, ProjectContexts offers a dedicated Cost Baseline report, illustrated in Figure 6.

Figure 6: Cost Baseline Report

In conclusion, ProjectContexts provides an integrated solution for project managers to effectively manage time and cost baselines, enhancing project control and decision-making. To experience the full potential of ProjectContexts, sign up for our free trial today and elevate your project management capabilities.

Ready to optimize your projects? Sign up for a free trial here of ProjectContexts now!

Cost Resources: Ensure Accurate Financial Tracking and Budget Management

In our latest newsletter, we explored the intricacies of supplier contracts, delving into specifications, general conditions, and payment terms. Today, let’s expand on this and discuss the multifaceted realm of supplier costs, how they are categorized, quoted, tracked, and ultimately reported within ProjectContexts.

1. Cost Types (Corporate Admin): In ProjectContexts, we adhere to a standardized procedure of categorizing costs as much as possible. This not only facilitates easy identification but also empowers users to search and filter for the same type across various projects, past and present. Figure 1 illustrates this process within the Admin/Project Settings Menu, showcasing the importance of predefined corporate types for efficient project management.

Figure 1: Cost Types (Admin / Project Settings Menu)

2. Project-specific Cost Quotes: Within the project domain, the identification of actual quotes is paramount. Figure 2 provides a snapshot of this phase, emphasizing the flexibility to use a dummy supplier during the planning stage until the actual supplier is determined.

Figure 2: Cost Quotes

3. Cost Tracking: ProjectContexts goes a step further by meticulously tracking total costs for specific supplier costs. Figures 3 and 4 showcase the dynamic nature of cost tracking, allowing users to focus on a particular activity through the [Filter Activities] drop-down box. Moreover, a detailed breakdown is available in Figure 5, offering transparency into the intricacies of each activity’s cost structure.

Figure 3:  Supplier Cost Tracking for the Project
Figure 4: Supplier Cost Tracking for the Project-2
Figure 5: Activity Cost Breakdown

4. Cost Breakdown for Specific Activities: For a granular view, ProjectContexts enables users to drill down into the cost breakdown of specific activities. Figures 6 and 7 showcase the costs associated with the task [drum preliminary analysis], providing valuable insights for efficient project management.

Figure 6: Cost Breakdown for a specific Activity -1
Figure 7: Cost Breakdown for a specific Activity -2

5. Cost Baselines Report: All these costs culminate in the Cost Baselines report, offering a comprehensive summary. Figure 8 exemplifies this by providing a high-level overview of the project’s financial landscape.

Figure 8: Cost Baselines Report

Conclusion: Efficient project management demands a robust system for handling supplier costs. ProjectContexts not only simplifies this process but also ensures transparency and accountability at every stage. To experience the full capabilities of ProjectContexts, sign up for our free trial today and revolutionize the way you manage project costs.

Sign Up for ProjectContexts Free Trial

Navigating Project Finances Across Currencies: A Project Manager’s Perspective

As a seasoned Project Manager, I understand the challenges that come with handling multiple currencies within a single project. In today’s global business landscape, it’s not uncommon for a US-based engineering company to secure contracts overseas, adding layers of complexity to financial management.

The Currency Conundrum

Let’s consider a scenario: You’re managing a significant project for a German client, with the contract denominated in Euros. The catch? Your labor resources are based in the US, and certain services are subcontracted to a Canadian engineering firm, invoiced in Canadian Dollars (CAD). Juggling these diverse currencies can quickly become a headache if not managed effectively.

The Currencies in Play:

  1. Accounting Currency (USD):
    • This is the company’s standard currency, including labor costs, making it easier to track and manage.
  2. Project Currency (USD or Euro):
    • A crucial decision for Project Managers. In ProjectContexts, the default is set to the Customer contract’s currency, streamlining the project’s financial overview.
  3. Supplier Contract Currency (Any):
    • Recognizing that supplier contracts may vary, ProjectContexts allows flexibility in choosing any currency as per the contractual agreement.

The ProjectContexts Advantage

In addressing these challenges, ProjectContexts offers a powerful solution, ensuring transparency and efficiency in managing currencies. Here’s how:

Currency Exchange Utility (See Figure 1)

ProjectContexts includes a transparent currency exchange utility that automatically updates exchange rates every 24 hours. This feature simplifies the currency conversion process, seamlessly integrating it into the report generation.

Figure 1: Currency conversions for cashflow report

Streamlining Financial Oversight

With ProjectContexts, Project Managers gain the ability to:

  • Choose Relevant Currencies:
    • Select the accounting, project, and supplier contract currencies that best suit the project’s needs.
  • Real-Time Exchange Rates:
    • Enjoy the convenience of up-to-date exchange rates, ensuring accurate and timely currency conversions.
  • Effortless Cashflow Reports:
    • Generate comprehensive reports with transparent currency conversions, providing a holistic view of project finances.

Your Next Step: ProjectContexts Free Trial

Ready to simplify your project management experience? Sign up for ProjectContexts’ free trial today. Experience firsthand how our innovative approach to currency management can transform the way you handle global projects. Embrace efficiency, transparency, and control – all in one comprehensive project management solution.

Sign Up for ProjectContexts Free Trial Today!

Change Management: Facilitate the Adoption of New Processes with ProjectContexts

Understanding Contexts: The Foundation of Change Management

From its inception, ProjectContexts recognized the pivotal role of change management in successful project execution. Drawing inspiration from the familiar concept of To-Do lists, the founders transformed issues and action items into the foundation for necessary changes. By introducing “Context Lists” and categorizing them into various types such as Customer Complaints, Quality Issues, Safety, and more, ProjectContexts set a new standard for comprehensive change management. (See Figure 1)

Figure 1: Context Types and sub-types

1. Context Types: A Comprehensive Approach

The concept of Contexts ensures that all team members engaging in change understand the full background or context. From Customer Complaints to strategic requirements like “lessons learned” and “risks,” ProjectContexts allows companies to define an infinite number of Context Types.

2. Contexts, Issues, and Action Items: Driving Collaboration

Any team member can initiate a Context, be it a customer complaint, safety concern, or marketing input. The Context Owner can define associated issues, action items, due dates, and even link them to specific systems. This collaborative approach ensures a holistic understanding of the change process. (See Figure 2)

Figure 2: Progress Tracking for Issues and Action items

Issues are defined in detail and viewed in a list for each context, such as shown below. (Figure 3 & 3a)

Figure 3a: List of Action Items belonging to an Issue.

2.1 Tracking Time and Progress: Empowering Project Managers

Issues and action items in ProjectContexts enable the logging of assignees’ time and Estimated Time to Completion (ETC). While not scheduled, this data provides project managers with a comprehensive view of allocated time across systems, tasks, issues, and action items.

3. Kanban Board for Enhanced Visibility

For a broader perspective on change management, ProjectContexts offers a Kanban view, providing an overarching visualization of issues and associated action items. (See Figure 4)

Figure 4: Kanban board associated with Issues.

3. Integration with Systems, Tasks, and Schedules: Seamlessness Redefined Tasks in a schedule should only appear when details are clear. ProjectContexts allows the seamless transition of action items into the schedule’s Gantt chart, marking them as A-Tasks and maintaining all background information (See Figure 5)

Figure 5: Create a Task in  a Schedule from and Action Item in a Context

3.1 Conflict Resolution and Notifications: Ensuring Precision

As relationships with other tasks are introduced, ProjectContexts automatically correlates due dates with associated A-Tasks, notifying of conflicts if any.(See Figure 6)

Figure 6: Transfer of Action Item properties to a Task in a Gantt schedule.

After introducing relationships with other tasks, ProjectContexts automatically correlates the Due Date of the action item with the early finish of the associated A-Task and notifies of a conflict if there is any. (See Figure 7)

Figure 7: The Action Task inside a System inside the Schedule.

Ready to Transform Your Project Management Experience?

ProjectContexts goes beyond traditional project management software, making change management an integral part of your project’s DNA. Now, you have the opportunity to experience this revolutionary tool yourself. Sign up for a free trial of ProjectContexts today and elevate your project management game!

Sign Up for ProjectContexts Free Trial

Embrace change, empower your team, and propel your projects to new heights with ProjectContexts!

Enhancing Project Management Through Strategic Lessons Learned

The value of lessons learned in project management cannot be overstated. Often relegated to post-project meetings and forgotten, these valuable insights are at the heart of continuous improvement. At ProjectContexts, we redefine the approach to Lessons Learned (LL), turning them into strategic assets that transcend project boundaries.

Contextualizing Lessons Learned: A Strategic Imperative

At ProjectContexts, we view Lessons Learned as a distinct Context type, treating them as strategic assets rather than mere post-mortem notes. Our unique approach involves providing a brief Context description that outlines the type of lesson to be implemented. We meticulously define the issues and prescribe actionable items, ensuring that a Lesson becomes truly “Learned.”

Consequential Benefits of Our Approach:

  1. Centralized Storage: All Lessons Learned are securely saved within ProjectContexts, preventing valuable insights from being lost or misplaced.
  2. Future Accessibility: Our platform ensures that lessons can be accessed years later, utilizing a powerful search utility that spans past and present projects.
  3. Timely Implementation: By making Lessons Learned available from the Project Start date, we prevent crucial issues from being forgotten or overlooked, especially if addressed at the end of a project.
  4. Strategic Contexts: Lessons Learned are categorized as strategic Contexts, distinguishing them from operational aspects. This includes SWOT analysis, Risks, Customer Complaints, and more, all customizable through our Administration menu.
Figure 1: Lessons Learned and Sub-types

Empowering Your Project Management Journey

In the example provided, the importance of addressing distinct action items for ISO procedures in Customer and Supplier contracts is evident. ProjectContexts ensures such nuances are captured, preventing oversight in subsequent projects.

Figure 2: Example for Context
Figure 3: Example for associated Issue
Figure 4: Example for associated Action Item

Take Action Today: Sign Up for a Free Trial

Experience the transformative power of ProjectContexts by signing up for our free trial. Unleash the potential of strategic Lessons Learned, and revolutionize the way you manage projects.

Sign Up for ProjectContexts Free Trial

Elevate your project management practices with ProjectContexts – where lessons are not just noted but truly learned.

Bridging the ON-OFF Schedule Gap: Eliminate Redundancy with One Platform

In the dynamic world of project management, the challenge of seamlessly integrating ON-Schedule and OFF-Schedule elements has long been a hurdle. Traditional project management software often divides these elements, forcing Project Managers to juggle between different workspaces and tools. Enter ProjectContexts, a revolutionary platform that eradicates the ON-OFF schedule differentiation, providing a unified space for all project-related components.

Breaking Down the ON-OFF Schedule Challenge:

Serious Project Managers are familiar with the struggle of managing various aspects of projects, such as minutes of meetings, to-do lists, cash flow, contracts, and lessons learned. These elements often find themselves scattered across different platforms like One-Drive, company servers, or other external tools, creating a disjointed experience. The ON-OFF schedule challenge emerges when trying to synchronize or link these dispersed components.

How ProjectContexts Reshapes the Landscape:

In ProjectContexts, the paradigm shift begins with the elimination of ON/OFF schedule differentiation. Every element, from project details to action items, is seamlessly integrated into the platform. Let’s explore key features that redefine how Project Managers handle project components:

Contexts Replace To-Do Lists:

Contexts, as discussed further in our previous article titled “Change Management: Facilitate the Adoption of New Processes with ProjectContexts”, is acting as background titles for to-do lists, and streamline the handling of issues and action items. Estimated hours from Contexts are effortlessly transferred to the schedule’s resource panel, simplifying project resource management (See Figure 1).

Figure 1: Unscheduled estimates from Contexts carried over to the schedule’s resource panel.

Project Portfolio Management: Enhanced Collaboration Across Project Teams

ProjectContexts stands out by placing a strategic emphasis beyond mere scheduling. As explained in great detail in our most recent blog post on Intuitive Project Management, The ProjectContexts platform distinguishes itself from other project management software by not relying on a schedule-centric approach. The Portfolio menu, a key highlight, empowers users to not only visualize schedules across various projects but also delve into a comprehensive comparison of diverse project management elements.

1. Portfolio Overview:

Upon selecting the ‘Portfolio’ option from the upper menu (refer to Figure 1), users are presented with a detailed sub-menu (See Figure 2). This feature serves as a pivotal hub for holistic project management insights.

Figure 1: Upper Menu Portfolio Selection
Figure 2: Portfolio Sub-Menu

2. Portfolio Documents:

The Portfolio Documents menu is the corporate PMO library, representing a wealth of invaluable resources (See Figure 3). While documents are non-editable within the portfolio menu, users can seamlessly manage them by editing, adding, or deleting them within the document section of the respective projects.

Figure 3: Portfolio Library

3. Resource Usage Table:

Delving into resource management, ProjectContexts introduces the Resource Usage Table. This feature offers a comprehensive breakdown of scheduled and unscheduled estimates. Scheduled estimates pertain to elements in the Gantt chart, while unscheduled estimates, reflecting “remaining hours,” are associated with contexts, issues, and action items. Importantly, all estimates are presented “as of today” (See Figure 4).

Figure 4: Portfolio Resource Usage Table

4. Portfolio Schedules:

The Portfolio Schedules feature enables users to filter displayed projects based on criteria such as activity status. This ensures a focused, tailored view of the project landscape (See Figure 5).

Figure 5: Portfolio Project Schedules

5. Portfolio Contexts:

An integral aspect of ProjectContexts is the ability to search for contexts across all projects. This achievement is materialized in the Portfolio Contexts section. Armed with the appropriate license, users can seamlessly search for Lessons Learned, Risks, Quality Issues, Safety Issues, and more across historical and current projects (Figures 6 and 7).

Figure 6: Context Type – Filtered for Lessons Learned across 3 Projects
Figure 7: Context Type – Filtered for Design Issues across 5 Projects


ProjectContexts Portfolio features transcend traditional project management boundaries, offering a holistic view of project elements. From the comprehensive document library to resource usage insights and context-based searches, ProjectContexts empowers users with a versatile project management experience.

Ready to explore ProjectContexts Portfolio features? Sign up for our free trial today.

Note: Figures are representative and may vary based on the latest software version.

Time & Cost Logging: Using Your Payroll to Define Project Performance

It is no secret that to serious project management professionals, precision and efficiency are paramount. The ability to track time, costs, and progress accurately can make the difference between a successful project and one plagued by delays and budget overruns. Enter ProjectContexts, a comprehensive project management platform equipped with a powerful timesheet module that revolutionizes the way project teams operate.

  1. Time Logging Made Seamless

Time Sheet Logging for Non-ProjectContexts Activities

One standout feature of ProjectContexts is its versatile timesheet module, which extends its utility beyond the platform itself. Users can seamlessly log time for non-ProjectContexts activities, ensuring a holistic view of their work hours. This is achieved through the integration of account numbers from the accounting system, all of which are user-defined for flexibility.

Figure 1: A snapshot of user-defined account numbers. 

Time Logging for Projects within ProjectContexts 

Within the ProjectContexts environment, time tracking reaches a granular level, down to task specifics in a Gantt chart and action items in the Change Management Process. The platform provides three distinct philosophies to cater to diverse project needs. 

Time logging becomes as simple as possible, allowing users to log hours directly within detail screens, such as tasks and action items, as well as on the timesheet itself. This streamlined process results in a prepopulated timesheet for the week, enhancing efficiency and accuracy in time tracking (see Figure 2 and Figure 3). 

Figure 2: Time logging directly on the detail page. 
Figure 3: Time logging on the detail page. 

Time Logging on a Timesheet 

At the end of each week, additional time can be logged onto the timesheet. This timesheet is pre-populated with the times added throughout the week, providing a comprehensive overview. Users have the flexibility to edit these pre-defined times, ensuring the utmost accuracy in recording hours. For progress tracking, users are prompted to enter the remaining hours for each element, ensuring a more insightful Estimated Time to Completion (TTC) rather than a mere percentage completion (see Figure 4). 

Figure 4: Completed Timesheet with approval. 

2. Precision in Cost Logging 

ProjectContexts brings a nuanced approach to cost logging, distinguishing between supplier contracts and supplier costs. Supplier costs, often less formalized, are tracked similarly to labor time. Examples include sporadic needs like a mobile crane, short-term contracts for engineers, and various employee expenses. The tracking mechanism (see Figure 5) involves logged costs and Estimated Cost to Completion (CTC), mirroring the accuracy achieved in time tracking. 

Figure 5: Informal supplier costs in Project properties. 
Figure 6: Cost Logging. 

3. Seamless Integration with Accounting Systems 

To further enhance its practicality, ProjectContexts allows for seamless import/export of timesheet data to any accounting system through CSV files. This capability ensures that financial data is synchronized and readily available for broader financial analysis. 

Experience the Efficiency – Sign Up for ProjectContexts 

In conclusion, ProjectContexts stands out as a comprehensive project management solution with a robust timesheet module that goes beyond conventional tracking. Precision in time and cost logging, coupled with seamless integration with accounting systems, makes ProjectContexts an indispensable tool for project teams. 

Sign Up for a Free Trial Today! 

Ready to revolutionize your project management? Sign up for a free trial of ProjectContexts and experience the power of efficient time and cost tracking. Your projects deserve the precision that ProjectContexts provides. 

Importing your Project: Access Management Software like a Professional

The challenges posed by Microsoft Project (MSP) have long been discussed among serious project managers. While MSP offers robust features, it often falls short, leading users to invest in costly and overly customized solutions that can be cumbersome for new users to grasp. Enter ProjectContexts, a game-changer that not only takes Microsoft Project seriously but also addresses its limitations, offering a streamlined and user-friendly alternative.

Breaking Down the Barriers: Importing MSP Project Files

One of the key limitations faced by project managers using Microsoft Project is the complexity of importing and exporting project files. While MSP allows users to export files in XML format, the process of importing these files into other platforms can be challenging.

1. Limitations: System Hierarchy Simplified

ProjectContexts recognizes the intricacies of project structures. It seamlessly imports MSP project files, converting Summary Tasks into Systems. However, it’s important to note that ProjectContexts currently handles three levels of systems – System, sub-system, and sub-sub-system. Although a sub-sub-sub system can be modeled through proper task structuring, it may require additional effort.

2. MSP Export File: A Step-by-Step Guide

To initiate the import process, start with the MSP export menu and choose the XML format type (*.xml). This ensures compatibility with ProjectContexts, enabling a smooth transition of your project data.

Figure 1: Choose the .xml file as the export file

Figure 2: Typical .xml file output

3. Importing into ProjectContexts: A Seamless Experience

ProjectContexts simplifies the process further by providing an intuitive “Import MSP XML” feature. This function is located in the Project menu on the top right-hand side, which automates the remainder of the import process.

Figure 3: Initiate .xml import

Figure 4: Define the new ProjectContexts project

Why ProjectContexts?

ProjectContexts is designed for serious project managers who demand more than what traditional project management platforms offer. It addresses the limitations of Microsoft Project, eliminating the need for expensive and convoluted custom solutions. With ProjectContexts, project managers can seamlessly import MSP project files, ensuring a smooth transition and eliminating the learning curve associated with overly complex systems.

Click Here to Sign Up for a Free Trial

Ready to revolutionize your project management experience? Sign up for a free trial of ProjectContexts today. Discover a platform that not only takes Microsoft Project seriously but also empowers you to overcome its limitations effortlessly.